I’ve got a long and twisted tale that I want to share. So sit down, grab a coffee, buckle up and get ready because, this is one of those; you’ll-never-believe-this-in-a-million-years stories. Seriously, you can’t make stuff like this up. Truth is definitely stranger than fiction. By the end, you’ll be wondering who the crazy person is.
My husband and I are in the market for a holiday trailer for our
land. We need a place to stay because, frankly, I am too old to ground tent
comfortably anymore. We aren’t looking for anything fancy. Just clean,
mouse-free and reasonably priced.
I’ve been doing the Kijiji thing without much luck. There
are a lot of junkers for sale. But, there are also a few deals, and you have to
be pretty fast to catch them.
Early last week, I responded to an ad listing a park
model trailer for sale in Edmonton. When you live in Calgary, it is difficult
to check out a trailer in Edmonton, but it looked to be in good shape and was
decently priced. This was one deal I didn’t want to miss out on, so I emailed
the owner, Allen, with a few questions and waited for a response. A few days
later I had the information I needed and was ready to go view it. The trouble
was he needed it moved by the end of Easter weekend.
I called him up and
asked if we could see it. He hummed and hawed and told me he was hoping to book
several viewing together to save himself some work because while the ad said
trailer was in Edmonton, it was actually at Pine Lake. With only Sunday
for us to view it and still meet his deadline, he agreed to show it
to us. This conflicted with a quilting course I am taking, but I it did look like a great trailer.
I notified my
instructor that I wouldn’t make class. I had barely gotten off the phone when Allen
called me and said he had changed his mind and didn’t want to meet us. I was
kind of torqued, but what do you do? I said thanks anyway and started getting
ready to go to class. Just as I am leaving, Allen calls and says, “Okay, come
and look at it.”
Sadly, they did not.
Dave and I struck out towards Pine Lake. We stopped in
Innisfail to pick up my brother-in-law, Steve. He knows a lot about trailers
and we wanted him to help us make an informed decision. Since Steve’s wife was
headed to Edmonton to help with her sick father, Steve was in charge of their
kids. Everyone jumped into the truck and we went to see the trailer.
We arrived at the appointed place and introduced
ourselves to Allen. Immediately, he said he had done a lot of thinking on the
drive and now wasn’t sure he wanted to sell it. But since we had made the trip,
he would like us to see it. (Again the warning bells should have gone off. But,
We got to know Allen on the short walk to the trailer. Sometime,
before the previous summer, his wife had passed on and he was having a bit of
trouble dealing with it. He became misty-eyed a couple times as we talked. He
told us how he hated to sell such a big part of his life, but thought it was
time to let go. He was calm and rational and seemed happy to sell
Allen’s trailer was perfect for our needs. It was large,
clean, tidy, in fabulous condition, and a great price. Have you ever heard the
expression “if something seems too good to be true it probably is?” It should
have sprung to mind at this point.
There was a lot of stuff in and around the trailer that
he no longer wanted. Things like a shed, lawn mower, yard tools, barbeque,
patio furniture, bedding, dishes, and indoor furniture. We shook hands on a
deal, for his asking price and a bit extra to cover the peripherals and agreed
to pick everything up within the week. The logistics were tricky, as the RV
park is not yet open for the summer and they only let you move trailers in the
early morning while the grass is still frozen. It would be tricky, but with
Steve’s help, do-able.
Thinking we had a deal, we headed back to our vehicles to
complete the paperwork. Then, Allen said he wasn’t sure he wanted to sell the
place where he and his wife had spent so much time. Understandable. So, he
asked if he could think it over and call me Monday morning. We dropped Steve
and the kids off and went back to Calgary, to await Allen’s decision.
Allen had requested to be paid in cash, so first thing in
the morning I went to the bank and withdrew the cash for the deal, just in case.
There was a tentative plan to make a special trip to Edmonton to complete the
deal. Morning came and went. Late Monday afternoon, he called and said he
wanted to talk to his daughter about the sale and would call me Tuesday. I
really felt bad for him; he seemed so torn and undecided. At the same time, I
wondered if perhaps he shouldn’t have talked to his family before posting his
Tuesday he asked if he could let us know on Thursday, but
wanted to be sure we had the money just in case. Thursday, he promised he would
call on Friday. By this time, I was getting irritated. I understood his
dilemma, but come on! This whole yes-no-yes-no thing was getting frustrating. I
wanted to say, “just make a decision.” But, I knew he was hurting and decided
to be patient and tried my best to be understanding. Every time he called, he
sounded like he was in tears and we talked for about fifteen minutes.
Friday he called early and promised a decision by three. About
three-thirty he said yes, the trailer was ours.
Twenty minutes later he called and said he wasn’t sure and needed more
time. He would call us around seven. In spite of wanting to give him a good
shake and tell him to make up his mind; I sympathized, empathized, and was as
kind as I could be.
Seven came and went without a call. He finally called
after nine. He was very apologetic but he didn’t want to sell it.
Gak! I was so frustrated and disappointed. I mentioned
that we were in Innisfail for the night, and that if he changed his mind he
could call back. (Yes, I am a glutton for punishment.)
Allen did, indeed, call in the morning and said he had
been thinking about everything that our original deal had included and thought
he hadn’t asked enough and wanted to keep the lawn mower and weed whacker. He mentioned
that he had received tons of calls on the trailer and said that in the end he
had decided not to sell it.
Good God, I just wanted to slam my head into the wall. Days
ago, we had made a verbal agreement, so he really couldn’t ask for more money. Was
this his way of hinting for more? I didn’t know. Dave and I kicked the money idea around and I called
Allen back offering a bit of extra cash and renegotiated which things were to
be included. Allen would keep the yard tools, dishes and bedding and get a
better price. This still left us with a hell of a deal on a great trailer.
Allen said had to think about it. Because we were tired of the run-around and
wanted to get home, I gave him a deadline about forty-five minutes away and sat
back to await his decision.
He called and said he was ready to sell. For sure. Since
he was leasing the RV spot, he had to pay his fees before the end of the
weekend or release his spot. Each time we talked, he reiterated how difficult
it was and that every time he changed his mind, he updated the park as well. He
must have been driving them nuts with his indecision. I know MY frustration was
reaching new levels.
But, now the deal was on. We set a meeting place and
drove to Red Deer to meet, complete the transaction and register the trailer.
Fifteen minutes later we were well outside of Red Deer, on
our way to Calgary when he called and wanted to sell.
I asked if he was sure.
YES. He was 100% sure he wanted to sell to us. He seemed
to be certain, and grateful that we had been so kind and patient with him.
At the next overpass we turned around and headed back. All
the while, we kept repeating that this was nuts. We were crazy for thinking
this deal would happen after all this rigmarole.
We arrived, Allen apologized and I climbed into his
truck, money in hand, and he started the paper work. He wrote quickly at first,
but with each successive line, he became slower. At last all the blanks were
filled in, but he hesitated to sign. Finally after much internal debate, he
signed but refused to give me the pen to sign with.
Eventually, I got frustrated and said “Clearly, you aren’t
ready to sell your trailer. I understand that this is difficult for you. So I’m
going to go now.”
He said, “Wait, don’t leave yet.”
So we sat and waited. Dave and I tried everything we
could think of to get Allen to make a decision. We weren’t trying to force him
to sell, just to reassure him that it was getting a good home and hoping to
make his decision easier. We talked about the grandkids and how we would be using
his trailer to build a legacy for them. We showed him pictures of our land so
he could see where it was going. We offered to pack up his stuff and deliver it
to him to save him the emotional toil of having to go back to the trailer. We
played the “our granddaughter just had heart surgery” card. We played the “it
is going to a good home and not to Fort Mac for rig workers” card. We whined,
we pleaded, we begged. We sympathized. We admitted our frustration and our love
for his trailer.

It couldn’t be more obvious that this decision was
tearing him apart. Allen asked if he could have a smoke and think. We willingly
agreed. After all, we had already invested hours of our time and put hundreds
of miles on our vehicles. What did we have to lose, besides our sanity? So, we
waited. All the while the clocked ticked away the precious time we needed to
register the trailer and meet the RV Park’s deadline to move it. This was
Easter weekend and the licensing place was closed Sunday and Monday.
After what seems like hours but was probably only ten
minutes, he came to our car and said the deal is off.
You’ll be impressed; I didn’t scream OR kick him in the
We wished him well and headed home. On the way, we called
Steve and told him the deal was off. We had kept in the loop with every change
as we needed him ready at a moment’s notice to haul the trailer for us.
We were certain that this was over and done with. As we
drove we decided that we would check out some RV places and hit Kijiji and
begin our search again. Clearly this deal was not happening.
Sunday morning, my phone rings. Allen. I chose not to answer it. But he called five
times in ten minutes and left two messages. After listening to his voice mails,
I picked up call number six of the day (and it wasn’t even eight thirty.)
He wants to sell.
“Are you sure?” I asked him.
“YES. I have decided to move on,” he agreed emphatically.
In spite of our doubts, we agreed to meet him in Red Deer
to complete the paperwork. We reminded him that there was no way we could make
the pick up under the park’s schedule as Steve was busy and there was no longer
a way to register the trailer. Allen then made arrangements to extend his lease
for one more week to accommodate this. We checked with the park ourselves; they
were frustrated with Allen but had agreed to the extension.
So, hoping he had finally made up his mind, we headed out
to meet him. On the way, we updated Steve who suggested that he was
willing to risk his wife’s wrath and leave his in-laws Easter dinner early. We
were going to take a chance and move it unregistered, just to get this done. We
confirmed with the park, again. All they needed was the bill of sale and they
would give us access to move it, at our convenience. Preferably as soon as
Theoretically, we were good to go.
We didn’t even get outside of Calgary before Allen called
again to say he couldn’t sell.
I said, “Seriously? You’re changing your mind again?” I
had had enough. “Allen,” I said, “we are done.” I may have hurt his feelings.
You know what? I don’t care.
So, I ask you ... Who is crazy? Is it him or is it us?
Thus ends the misadventure. Unless he calls again.
Just an update ....... he has called twice today.
Just an update ....... he has called twice today.